Hi! I am the upcoming generation from Alex and Robert! In short I will be the most important person in the family and oust my mother from her number 1 position. Right now I live as a subtenant symbiotic with her, so that she can still be spoilt by Robert. But this days are already counted! Soon I will be there! My full name, same as my sex, are unknown at the moment. This drives my mother crazy. I am sure everone of you knows how curious she is. But I thought by myself to start my life with some excitement. I can only hoe that my parents will find a cool name for me. I can imagine how difficult it is to agree on one name. But now they have to find two! This will be tough! Right now my parents and grandparents call me Superchecker. Not too bad, I think. At the moment my possibilities are very limited. Therefore I concentrate my activities on sleeping, floating around, growing and getting ready for the day of my move into the big world. My regular gymnastic exercises amuse my mother in particular, because then her belly vaults outside and this looks very funny. Sorry, but I have to get myself fit! |
PS: This page was created by my Mom. Enjoy the time, because soon I will be the centre of it all! |
PPS: Since I am growing that fast this link will bring you to further pages about me. |