Fiona Viktoria


Fiona Fiona Fiona Fiona Fiona Fiona Fiona Fiona

Princess Hello I am Fiona. Fiona Viktoria. I am four years old and go to kindergarten.

Actually I am a princess. After meeting Cinderella in Disney World I want to become a princess. Matthias, my brother, is my knight. My grandmother sawed me already a princess dress. I look so pretty with my dress.

My favorite color is… Take a guess. Right, pink! I told my parents to paint my new room with pink. By the way, last year wasn't that easy for me. My parents renovated our house and it was quite noisy and dusty in it. But now it is nice. I got my own room. (You remember the pink one). We have a huge living room and enough space for running around.

What else I do? I am curious to learn. I play Memory many times with my Daddy. I also like to solve puzzles. But, I am really crazy about reading and writing. I can already write my own name: FIONA. Yes, and I can read several German words like Daddy (PAPA), Grandma (OMA), Grandpa (OPA), Mum (MAMA) and so on.

I hardly can wait, until I can go to school. However, they told me I have to become older and I have to grow up a little bit. Hey, I am already 1.02 m tall! What do they want?

Recently we went to Jericoacoara in Brazil for vacation. I liked it very much. My parents bought me a floating tire and I could swim by myself in the two pools. Of course, my Daddy had to take care for me. However, very soon I will be able to swim by myself! Probably I won't swim in the ocean. This is too salty.

Okay, I think this is enough information. I have to return to my games. I have to play shopping with my dear brother Matthias.

February 1st, 2009

PS: Daddy, now don't hesitate and play with me!

PS: Since I am growing that fast this link will bring you to further pages about me.